
Ducklings (Baby Area)

Bird Looking Down

The Ducklings Room


Our Ducklings Room caters for our children aged between 4 months and 2 years, the room has linked bathroom facilities and acccess to the outside play area. In addition there is a separate sleep room; babies sleep according to their own personal routines and within the main kitchen there is a milk kitchen area, where fresh feeds can be prepared as required.

Our Ducklings engage in rich play experinces and activities appropiate for their age and stage;  these include treasure baskets, heuristic play, sensory play and music and movement. In addition we recognise as individuals all children have their own interests, we take these into consideration when planning. Our activities encourage lots of hands on exploration, vital for babies as they learn about the world around them and are planned in line with the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage ( EYFS).



The Ducklings Room has simple wall mounted pegs with ‘cubbies’ for comforters and babies daily log books. There is beginners seating and the furniture is set in such a way, to encourage children that are learning to walk. In the room, nursery nurses sit on adult low level chairs, which are low enough for adults to interact with young children at their level. 

Children move through to the Ducks (toddler area) in the September after their second birthday. With a phased induction and time spent with their key-worker during the summer months.  Each child is allocated a key-worker who tends to all of your child’s individual needs and monitors their development, and works closely with the parents. The key-worker completes a daily log book, which is a communication book which tells you, sleep-times, nappy changes and what your child has eaten; this goes between home and nursery and parents also write in it, to share any significant events from home. There is a higher ratio of staff to children in the Ducklings’ room, this is in line with Ofsted ratios and requirements. As a nursery we tend to run slightly overstaffed in order to provide the highest quality of care. 




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